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Can a bank or credit union cash a post-dated check before the date on the check?

Yes. Banks and credit unions generally don’t have to wait until the date you put on a check to cash it.

However, state law may require the bank or credit union to wait to cash the check if you notify them. Contact your bank or credit union to hold the check before processing it and learn what its policies are.

Generally, state law provides that if you notified your bank or credit union in writing about a post-dated check a reasonable time before it received the check, your notice is valid for six months. During that time, the bank or credit union should not cash the check before the date you wrote on the check.

If you only gave an oral notice, without confirming it in writing, your notice is only valid for 14 days. After that, the bank or credit union can cash the check before the date you wrote on it. If your bank or credit union cashed a check before the date you put on it while your notice was still valid, then it may be liable to you for any damages.