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FFIEC Implements New InfoBase Technology for The Information Technology Examination Handbook

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) has recently upgraded the functions and features of the InfoBase for the FFIEC Information Technology Examination Handbook (IT Handbook). The IT Handbook consists of 11 booklets covering a variety of technology and technology-related risk management guidance for financial institutions and examiners.

The new architecture provides the FFIEC member agencies with new capabilities, including the ability to make updates on a more frequent basis. This new architecture will enable the agencies to respond to changes in technology and the risk environment on an as-needed basis rather than waiting for the next revision of a particular booklet or booklets.

Included in the recent upgrade is a “What’s New” function on the InfoBase home page that may be used to monitor recent changes and, going forward, to access a historical listing of all changes.

As a result of this new dynamic environment, the individual booklets will no longer be available in hard copy. In addition to reducing costs and saving resources, users will now have the ability to select the materials they wish to print–from a single page to the entire booklet.

The IT Handbook is a collaborative effort of the Information Technology Subcommittee of the FFIEC’s Task Force on Supervision. The Information Technology Subcommittee promotes uniform and effective information technology-related policies and supervisory programs for financial institutions and their service providers. An electronic version of the IT Handbook Series is available at