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Bureau Acting Director Mulvaney Statement on the OCC Short-Term, Small-Dollar Lending Announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) Acting Director Mick Mulvaney issued the following statement in response to a bulletin from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) regarding short-term, small-dollar credit:

“I applaud Comptroller Otting’s move to encourage national banks and federal savings associations to offer short-term, small-dollar installment loans. Millions of Americans desperately need access to short-term, small-dollar credit. We cannot simply wish away that need. In any market, robust competition is a win for consumers. The Bureau will strive to expand consumer choice, and I look forward to working with the OCC and other partners on efforts to promote access and innovation in the consumer credit marketplace.”

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a 21st century agency that implements and enforces Federal consumer financial law and ensures that markets for consumer financial products are fair, transparent, and competitive. For more information, visit