Data Enforcers Convening: Data Brokers and the Sale of Sensitive Data: Privacy and Security Harm to Consumers
This meeting will be held virtually via WebEx.
Thank you for joining us for a conversation with Justin Sherman of Duke University and Global Cyber Strategies on the data brokerage industry and the sale of sensitive data. A description of the event, and a biography for the speaker are provided below:
Data brokerage is a multi-billion-dollar industry comprised of thousands of companies gathering, aggregating, and selling data. This ranges from demographic, financial, and political data to health and mental health information, real-time locations, and genetic and biometric information, including data about children. Data brokerage has been a significant source of concern across the country, and causes considerable harm to consumers. Join us for a presentation and panel discussion with Justin Sherman on the data brokerage ecosystem, how companies gather data, the kinds of data for sale, the harms to consumers and society, and recent and emerging policy, legal, and regulatory actions and opportunities to intervene.
Justin Sherman is an adjunct professor at Duke University, where he founded and runs its research program on data brokerage; the founder and CEO of Global Cyber Strategies , a Washington, D.C.-based research and advisory firm; and a contributing editor at Lawfare. He and his Duke team have published research and analyses on the collection and sale of data about targets and survivors of stalking and gendered violence, people with mental health conditions and the prescriptions they take, elderly Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, people’s 24/7 locations, active-duty military servicemembers, veterans, judges, teenagers, and children (among others). He has testified to both houses of Congress, spoken at the White House and the United Nations, and consulted on the Presidential Executive Order on data brokerage and national security. He provides expert witness services on cybersecurity and data privacy matters.