We want to make it easier for you to submit comments on streamlining regulations
In November of 2011, we asked you to help us streamline the regulations we inherited from seven Federal agencies. Today we launched our Regulation Streamlining Feedback Web Tool . This tool allows you to give input on ways to streamline the regulations the CFPB inherited under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. We want to know what parts of these regulations you think the Bureau should make the highest priority for updating, modifying, or eliminating, so we’ve created a tool that allows you to easily communicate with us.
The Regulation Streamlining Feedback Web Tool will enable you to submit comments and suggestions on one easy-to use page. The tool has drop-down menus that list each regulation we are responsible for and their different sections while also linking directly to the text of the regulation through GPO Access. There are also comment boxes where you can describe the changes you want to see, explain why you want to see them, and how they may affect consumers and financial service providers.
We are committed to looking for innovative ways to improve how we communicate with the public and how the public communicates with us. Like our Know Before You Owe projects, this new process aims to provide the public with a seamless experience when trying to provide input on important issues. Our goal is to make submitting feedback easy for everyone so that we can have a wide array of perspectives to consider as we move forward.
We take your comments seriously and we want to hear from you. Please visit our Regulation Streamlining Feedback Web Tool to help us with this important project.