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Parents: Talk to kids about money

I’m a dad, so I know how it is. You keep meaning to talk to your kids, but you don’t know what to say. It’s complicated and you’re not sure how to put it in words they’d understand. There’s also the emotion, anxiety, frustration and, yes, guilt.

I’m talking about money. And, so should you.

Because only 14 states require a course in personal finance in schools, parents and caregivers are the first people many children go to for answers to their money questions.

April 20 was the first day of Money Smart Week, a nationwide public awareness campaign designed to help you, your kids and others manage money better. Last year, there were more than 3,000 Money Week events in 45 states.

The CFPB is proud to be a national Money Smart Week partner.

Find a Money Smart Week event near you, and consider taking your kids – or at least pick up some pointers or materials that could help you have that talk later.

We’ll be hosting a twitter chat this afternoon from 2-4 p.m. (follow @cfpb and look for #MoneyTalk ), and  rolling out special questions and answers in Ask CFPB to help you answer your children’s money questions. Tomorrow, we’ll also be introducing a way to encourage your kids to earn, save, and spend smarter using Pinterest.

We think it’s important for kids to start learning money skills from an early age. As a parent, or aunt or uncle, you can be a big influence in your children’s financial futures.