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Launch of new mortgage rule implementation page

Today, we are announcing our new Regulatory Implementation page, which consolidates all of our new 2013 mortgage rules and related implementation materials. This is an effort to support rule implementation and ensure that industry is ready to comply with the new borrower protections.

This is the central access point for our mortgage-related implementation materials, including:

Mortgage rules at a glance Small entity compliance guides Videos Quick reference charts 2013 rural or underserved counties list Other helpful materials

Our goal with this page is to provide access to our mortgage-related implementation resources though a single page that makes the rule content more accessible for a broad array of industry constituents, especially smaller businesses with limited legal and compliance staff.

Although these implementation materials give an overview of the rules, they are not substitutes for the underlying rules.

We hope you’ll familiarize yourself with the new page and the related available resources. When additional resources become available for the new mortgage rules, we will add them to the Regulatory Implementation page.