Previous version (effective
June 30, 2021 to
April 1, 2022)
1. Title commitment report. The “title commitment report” is a document from a title insurance company describing the property interest and status of its title, parties with interests in the title and the nature of their claims, issues with the title that must be resolved prior to closing of the transaction between the parties to the transfer, amount and disposition of the premiums, and endorsements on the title policy. This document is issued by the title insurance company prior to the company's issuance of an actual title insurance policy to the property's transferee and/or creditor financing the transaction. In different jurisdictions, this instrument may be referred to by different terms, such as a title commitment, title binder, title opinion, or title report.
Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting supplement I to part 1026, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
A creditor acts with reasonable diligence under § 1026.35(c)(4)(vi)(A) if the creditor bases its determination on information contained in written source documents, such as:
1. A copy of the recorded deed from the seller.
2. A copy of a property tax bill.
3. A copy of any owner's title insurance policy obtained by the seller.
4. A copy of the RESPA settlement statement from the seller's acquisition (i.e., the HUD-1 or any successor form).
5. A property sales history report or title report from a third-party reporting service.
6. Sales price data recorded in multiple listing services.
7. Tax assessment records or transfer tax records obtained from local governments.
8. A written appraisal performed in compliance with § 1026.35(c)(3)(i) for the same transaction.
9. A copy of a title commitment report detailing the seller's ownership of the property, the date it was acquired, or the price at which the seller acquired the property.