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§ 1003.5 Disclosure and reporting.

This version is not the current regulation.
You are viewing a previous version of this regulation with amendments that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2019.

(a) Reporting to agency.

1. Quarterly reporting—coverage.

i. Section 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) requires that, within 60 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter except the fourth quarter, a financial institution that reported for the preceding calendar year at least 60,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, must submit its loan/application register containing all data required to be recorded for that quarter pursuant to § 1003.4(f). For example, if for calendar year 2019 Financial Institution A reports 60,000 covered loans, excluding purchased covered loans, it must comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) in calendar year 2020. Similarly, if for calendar year 2019 Financial Institution A reports 20,000 applications and 40,000 covered loans, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, it must comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) in calendar year 2020. If for calendar year 2020 Financial Institution A reports fewer than 60,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, it is not required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) in calendar year 2021.

ii. In the calendar year of a merger or acquisition, the surviving or newly formed financial institution is required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii), effective the date of the merger or acquisition, if a combined total of at least 60,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, is reported for the preceding calendar year by or for the surviving or newly formed financial institution and each financial institution or branch office merged or acquired. For example, Financial Institution A and Financial Institution B merge to form Financial Institution C in 2020. Financial Institution A reports 40,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, for 2019. Financial Institution B reports 21,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, for 2019. Financial Institution C is required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) effective the date of the merger. Similarly, for example, Financial Institution A acquires a branch office of Financial Institution B in 2020. Financial Institution A reports 58,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, for 2019. Financial Institution B reports 3,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, for 2019 for the branch office acquired by Financial Institution A. Financial Institution A is required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) in 2020 effective the date of the branch acquisition.

iii. In the calendar year following a merger or acquisition, the surviving or newly formed financial institution is required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) if a combined total of at least 60,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, is reported for the preceding calendar year by or for the surviving or newly formed financial institution and each financial institution or branch office merged or acquired. For example, Financial Institution A and Financial Institution B merge to form Financial Institution C in 2019. Financial Institution C reports 21,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, each for Financial Institution A, B, and C for 2019, for a combined total of 63,000 covered loans and applications reported, excluding purchased covered loans. Financial Institution C is required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) in 2020. Similarly, for example, Financial Institution A acquires a branch office of Financial Institution B in 2019. Financial Institution A reports 58,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, for 2019. Financial Institution A or B reports 3,000 covered loans and applications, combined, excluding purchased covered loans, for 2019 for the branch office acquired by Financial Institution A. Financial Institution A is required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) in 2020.

2. Change in appropriate Federal agency. If the appropriate Federal agency for a financial institution changes (as a consequence of a merger or a change in the institution’s charter, for example), the institution must identify its new appropriate Federal agency in its annual submission of data pursuant to § 1003.5(a)(1)(i) for the year of the change. For example, if an institution’s appropriate Federal agency changes in February 2018, it must identify its new appropriate Federal agency beginning with the annual submission of its 2018 data by March 1, 2019 pursuant to § 1003.5(a)(1)(i). For an institution required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii), the institution also must identify its new appropriate Federal agency in its quarterly submission of data pursuant to § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) beginning with its submission for the quarter of the change, unless the change occurs during the fourth quarter. For example, if the appropriate Federal agency for an institution required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) changes during February 2020, the institution must identify its new appropriate Federal agency beginning with its quarterly submission pursuant to § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) for the first quarter of 2020. If the appropriate Federal agency for an institution required to comply with § 1003.5(a)(1)(ii) changes during December 2020, the institution must identify its new appropriate Federal agency beginning with the annual submission of its 2020 data by March 1, 2021 pursuant to § 1003.5(a)(1)(i).

3. Subsidiaries. A financial institution is a subsidiary of a bank or savings association (for purposes of reporting HMDA data to the same agency as the parent) if the bank or savings association holds or controls an ownership interest in the institution that is greater than 50 percent.

4. Retention. A financial institution may satisfy the requirement under § 1003.5(a)(1)(i) that it retain a copy of its submitted annual loan/application register for three years by retaining a copy of the annual loan/application register in either electronic or paper form.

5. Federal Taxpayer Identification Number. Section 1003.5(a)(3) requires a financial institution to provide its Federal Taxpayer Identification Number with its data submission. If a financial institution obtains a new Federal Taxpayer Identification Number, it should provide the new number in its subsequent data submission. For example, if two financial institutions that previously reported HMDA data under this part merge and the surviving institution retained its Legal Entity Identifier but obtained a new Federal Taxpayer Identification Number, then the surviving institution should report the new Federal Taxpayer Identification Number with its HMDA data submission.

See interpretation of 5(a) Reporting to Agency in Supplement I


(i) Annual reporting. By March 1 following the calendar year for which data are collected and recorded as required by § 1003.4, a financial institution shall submit its annual loan/application register in electronic format to the appropriate Federal agency at the address identified by such agency. An authorized representative of the financial institution with knowledge of the data submitted shall certify to the accuracy and completeness of data submitted pursuant to this paragraph (a)(1)(i). The financial institution shall retain a copy of its annual loan/ application register submitted pursuant to this paragraph (a)(1)(i) for its records for at least three years.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) When the last day for submission of data prescribed under this paragraph (a)(1) falls on a Saturday or Sunday, a submission shall be considered timely if it is submitted on the next succeeding Monday.

(2) A financial institution that is a subsidiary of a bank or savings association shall complete a separate loan/application register. The subsidiary shall submit the loan/application register, directly or through its parent, to the appropriate Federal agency for the subsidiary’s parent at the address identified by the agency.

(3) A financial institution shall provide with its submission:

(i) Its name;

(ii) The calendar year the data submission covers pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section;

(iii) The name and contact information of a person who may be contacted with questions about the institution’s submission;

(iv) Its appropriate Federal agency;

(v) The total number of entries contained in the submission;

(vi) Its Federal Taxpayer Identification number; and

(vii) Its Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) as described in § 1003.4(a)(1)(i)(A).

(4) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, ‘‘appropriate Federal agency’’ means the appropriate agency for the financial institution as determined pursuant to section 304(h)(2) of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (12 U.S.C. 2803(h)(2)) or, with respect to a financial institution subject to the Bureau’s supervisory authority under section 1025(a) of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (12 U.S.C. 5515(a)), the Bureau.

(5) Procedures for the submission of data pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section are available at

(b) Disclosure statement.

1. Business day. For purposes of § 1003.5(b), a business day is any calendar day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal public holiday.

2. Format of notice. A financial institution may make the written notice required under § 1003.5(b)(2) available in paper or electronic form.

3. Notice - suggested text. A financial institution may use any text that meets the requirements of § 1003.5(b)(2). The following language is suggested but is not required:

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age, and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. These data are available online at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Web site ( HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available at this Web site.

4. Combined notice. A financial institution may use the same notice to satisfy the requirements of both § 1003.5(b)(2) and § 1003.5(c).

See interpretation of 5(b) Disclosure Statement in Supplement I

(1) The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) will make available a disclosure statement based on the data each financial institution submits for the preceding calendar year pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section.

(2) No later than three business days after receiving notice from the FFIEC that a financial institution's disclosure statement is available, the financial institution shall make available to the public upon request at its home office, and each branch office physically located in each MSA and each MD, a written notice that clearly conveys that the institution's disclosure statement may be obtained on the Bureau's Web site at

(c) Modified loan/application register.

1. Format of notice. A financial institution may make the written notice required under § 1003.5(c)(1) available in paper or electronic form.

2. Notice - suggested text. A financial institution may use any text that meets the requirements of § 1003.5(c)(1). The following language is suggested but is not required:

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age, and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. These data are available online at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Web site ( HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available at this Web site.

3. Combined notice. A financial institution may use the same notice to satisfy the requirements of both § 1003.5(c) and § 1003.5(b)(2).

See interpretation of 5(c) Modified loan/application Register in Supplement I

(1) A financial institution shall make available to the public upon request at its home office, and each branch office physically located in each MSA and each MD, a written notice that clearly conveys that the institution's loan/application register, as modified by the Bureau to protect applicant and borrower privacy, may be obtained on the Bureau's Web site at

(2) A financial institution shall make available the notice required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section following the calendar year for which the data are collected.

(d) Availability of written notices.

(1) A financial institution shall make the notice required by paragraph (c) of this section available to the public for a period of three years and the notice required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section available to the public for a period of five years. An institution shall make these notices available during the hours the office is normally open to the public for business.

(2) A financial institution may make available to the public, at its discretion and in addition to the written notices required by paragraphs (b)(2) or (c)(1) of this section, as applicable, its disclosure statement or its loan/application register, as modified by the Bureau to protect applicant and borrower privacy. A financial institution may impose a reasonable fee for any cost incurred in providing or reproducing these data.

(e) Posted notice of availability of data. A financial institution shall post a general notice about the availability of its HMDA data in the lobby of its home office and of each branch office physically located in each MSA and each MD. This notice must clearly convey that the institution's HMDA data is available on the Bureau's Web site at

1. Posted notice - suggested text. A financial institution may post any text that meets the requirements of § 1003.5(e). The Bureau or other appropriate Federal agency for a financial institution may provide a notice that the institution can post to inform the public of the availability of its HMDA data, or an institution may create its own notice. The following language is suggested but is not required:

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age, and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available online. For more information, visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Web site (

See interpretation of 5(e) Posted Notice of Availability of Data in Supplement I

(f) Aggregated data. Using data submitted by financial institutions pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, the FFIEC will make available aggregate data for each MSA and MD, showing lending patterns by property location, age of housing stock, and income level, sex, ethnicity, and race.