Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) identify and mitigate privacy risks.
A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is an analysis of how personally identifiable information (PII) is handled to (i) ensure that collection, use, and handling conforms with applicable requirements, (ii) determine the privacy risks associated with an information system or activity, and (iii) identify ways to mitigate privacy risks.
Consumer Response System PIA v.2
CFPB Business Intelligence Tool
Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry PIA
Market Analysis of Administrative Data Under Research Authorities PIA
Republication of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Public Use Dataset PIA
Consumer Experience Research PIA
Certain Supervision, Enforcement, and Fair Lending Data used for Market Research
Industry, Expert, and Community Input and Engagement PIA
Supervision, Enforcement, and Fair Lending Data PIA
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Platform PIA
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data Collection PIA
Enterprise Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) Tool v3 PIA
OMWI Diversity Assessment Tool Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
Advisory Committee Application Manager (ACAM) PIA
Enforcement Whistleblower Tip Database PIA
Automated Background Investigation System (ABIS) PIA
Legal Division Matter Management PIA
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act System (FOIAXpress) v2 PIA
Entellitrak Ombudsman Tool PIA
Consumer Resource Center (CRC) PIA
Salesforce Platform - Cloud Environment PIA
Microsoft Cloud/Office 365 General Support Services (GSS) PIA
Amazon Web Services General Support System (AWS Alto)
Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) PIA
Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program PIA
Supervision and Examination System (SES) PIA
Publication of Consumer Response Narratives PIA
Infrastructure General Support System (GSS) PIA
ServiceNow Cloud Platform General Support Service (GSS) PIA
Legal Technology Support Team (LTST) PIA v.2
Labor and Employee Relations System PIA v.2
Small Business Lending (SBL) System – Beta Testing PIA
Enforcement Matters Management System PIA v.2
Civil Penalty Fund and Bureau-Administered Redress Program v.3 PIA
Geographic Information System PIA