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College deposit product marketing agreements and data

This page presents information about banking products provided to college students pursuant to agreements between institutions of higher education and financial service providers and governed in part by the Department of Education's cash management regulations.

The agreements and related information presented here are a sample of the data used in the CFPB's annual report to Congress and should not be considered comprehensive. The scope of the CFPB's observations was limited to the agreements and other public disclosures that were published by institutions related to each award year (interested parties should note that any information in place at the time of publication but absent from the institutional disclosures as of June of each award year may not have been evaluated). Nevertheless, review of publicly available information is helpful in providing an overview of significant market dynamics at a point in time.

The CFPB intends to ensure that the publicly available dataset is as accurate and complete as possible. This means that the dataset may not be completely consistent with past iterations of this report because the CFPB sometimes makes corrections to the dataset. In all cases, the CFPB intends for the public dataset to be the CFPB’s definitive account of the data.

Explore college banking agreement data

2020–2023 college banking data | CSV

College banking data guide | PDF

2020–2021 college banking agreements and related disclosures (114MB) | ZIP