Student loan servicing
This report reviews and discusses public comments submitted in response to a Request for Information Regarding Student Loan Servicing published in the Federal Register in May 2015 (Docket ID: CFPB-2015-0021). The notice details a series of topics and questions to elicit feedback from the public, including:
- How existing student loan servicing industry practices affect repayment;
- Whether protections in place in other markets for consumer financial products and services should be instructive to policymakers and market participants seeking to improve the delivery of service, including:
- Protections in place for homeowners repaying mortgages,
- Protections in place for homeowners facing foreclosure or experiencing financial distress,
- Protections in place for consumers with credit cards; and
- How the availability of data on student loan origination and performance influences policymakers, market participants, and members of the public seeking to strengthen student loan servicing.
Full report
Read the report here