Sign-up for Rule and Compliance Resource Updates
Use the subscription boxes below to sign-up for rule and compliance resource updates from the Bureau. For each topic below that is of interest, enter an email address to receive updates when new rules or compliance resources are published, or when the Bureau is requesting public comment or participation related to its rulemaking or guidance work.
General regulatory implementation
Sign up to get email updates on regulatory implementation.
General regulatory implementation
Subscribers receive notice of regulatory compliance resources and guidance publications on all rule topics under the Bureau’s purview.
General regulations
Sign up for updates about our rulemaking.
General regulations
Subscribers receive notice of all rules the Bureau publishes, including proposed rules and requests for information.
Rules related to mortgages
Sign up for updates about mortgage rule implementation.
Rules related to mortgages
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources and guidance specific to any of the Bureau’s mortgage topics, such as the Bureau’s TRID, ATR-QM, HMDA, or Mortgage Servicing Rules.
HMDA filing
Sign up for updates on HMDA filing and rule implementation.
HMDA filing
Subscribers receive notice of HMDA filing updates, data publication, and resources for financial institutions required to file HMDA data.
Rules related to prepaid cards
Sign up for updates about Prepaid Rule implementation.
Rules related to prepaid cards
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to prepaid card topics, such as the Bureau’s Prepaid Rule.
Rules related to debt collection
Sign up for updates about debt collection rule implementation.
Rules related to debt collection
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to debt collection topics, such as the Bureau’s Debt Collection Rule.
Rules related to remittance transfers
Sign up for updates about rules related to remittance transfers.
Rules related to remittance transfers
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to remittance transfer topics, such as the Bureau’s Remittance Transfer Rule.
Rules related to payday lending
Sign up for updates about payday rule implementation.
Rules related to payday lending
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to payday lending topics, such as the Bureau’s Payday Lending Rule.
Rules related to small business lending
Sign up for updates on small business lending filing and rule implementation.
Rules related to small business lending
Subscribers receive notice of small business lending filing updates, data publication, and resources for financial institutions required to file small business lending data.
Rules related to personal financial data rights
Sign up for updates on personal financial data rights rule implementation.
Rules related to personal financial data rights
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to personal financial data rights.
Rules related to deposit accounts
Sign up for updates on deposit account rule implementation.
Rules related to deposit accounts
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to deposit accounts.
Rules related to credit cards
Sign up for updates on credit card rule implementation.
Rules related to credit cards
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to credit card topics.
Rules related to credit reporting
Sign up for updates about consumer reporting rule implementation topics, such as credit reporting.
Rules related to credit reporting
Subscribers receive notice of any Bureau rules or regulatory compliance resources or guidance specific to consumer reporting topics, such as credit reporting.