PHH Corporation, PHH Mortgage Corporation, PHH Home Loans, LLC, Atrium Insurance Corporation, and Atrium Reinsurance Corporation
Case docket
Document | Date filed | Short description | ||||||||||
236 | 06/07/2018 |
Order Dismissing the Notice of Charges (Filed by Acting Director Mulvaney, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection) |
235 | 06/06/2018 |
Joint Statement of the Parties (Filed by CFPB & Respondents) |
234 | 05/11/2018 |
Order Directing Parties to Respond (Filed by Acting Director Mulvaney, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection) |
233 | 03/21/2018 |
Order Regarding Ex Parte Communications (Filed by Acting Director Mulvaney, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
07/31/2015 |
Notice regarding discovery requests propounded in Munoz litigation for production of CFPB investigative file and third-party documents (Filed by Respondents) |
06/24/2015 |
Order denying motion for stay (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
230 | 06/23/2015 |
Reply in support of motion to stay the director's final decision and order (Filed by Respondent) |
229 | 06/22/2015 |
Response in opposition to respondent's motion for stay (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
228 | 06/16/2015 |
Motion to stay the director's final decision and order (Filed by Respondents) |
06/04/2015 |
Final Order (Filed by Director Cordray, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
226 | 06/04/2015 |
Decision of the Director (Filed by DirectorCordray, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
225 | 03/11/2015 |
Order regarding the redaction of Enforcement Counsel's reply brief (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
224 | 03/06/2015 |
Statement regarding proposed redactions (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
223 | 03/06/2015 |
Statement of Radian regarding redactions to Enforcement Counsel's reply brief in support of its appeal (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc.) |
222 | 03/03/2015 |
Order directing the filing of statements regarding the redaction of Enforcement Counsel's reply brief (Filed by DirectorCordray, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
Compilation of Material | 03/02/2015 |
Compilation of material in support of appeal (Filed by Respondents) |
221 | 02/20/2015 |
Reply brief in support of its appeal (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
220 | 02/20/2015 |
Reply brief in support of appeal (Filed by Respondents) |
219 | 02/13/2015 |
Order denying motion for leave to submit additional evidence into the record (Filed by DirectorCordray, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
218 | 02/09/2015 |
Answering brief in opposition to respondent's appeal (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
217 | 02/09/2015 |
Brief in opposition to Enforcement Counsel's appeal of the ALJ's recommended decision (Filed by Respondents) |
216 | 02/06/2015 |
Order scheduling oral argument (Filed by DirectorCordray, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
215 | 01/30/2015 |
Notice of withdrawal of counsel (Filed by Respondents) |
214 | 01/30/2015 |
Reply memorandum in support of Respondent's motion for leave to submit additional evidence into the record (Filed by Respondents) |
213 | 01/26/2015 |
Opposition to Respondent's motion for leave to submit additional evidence into the record (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
212 | 01/09/2015 |
Opening appeal brief (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
211 | 01/09/2015 |
Motion to supplement the record (Filed by Respondents) |
210 | 01/09/2015 |
Opening appeal brief (Filed by Respondents) |
209 | 12/16/2014 |
Order granting motion for extension of time and setting appeals briefing schedule (Filed by DirectorCordray, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
208 | 12/10/2014 |
Notice of appeal (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
207 | 12/09/2014 |
Motion for extension of time to file opening appeal brief (Filed by Respondents) |
12/04/2014 |
Notice of Appeal (Filed by Respondents) |
205 | 11/25/2014 |
Recommended Decision (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
204 | 11/24/2014 |
Order regarding confidentiality (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
203 | 11/14/2014 |
Response to notice regarding Document 145 (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc.) |
202 | 11/14/2014 |
Notice regarding Document 145 (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
201 | 11/06/2014 |
Response in opposition to Respondents' renewed objection to the orders taking official notice (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
200 | 11/03/2014 |
Order partially unsealing Document 145 (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
199 | 10/31/2014 |
Renewed objection to orders taking official notice (Filed by Respondents) |
198 | 10/31/2014 |
Joint notice regarding unsealing of documents (Filed by CFPB & Respondents) |
10/31/2014 |
Order on motion to disqualify (redacted) (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
197 | 10/31/2014 |
Joint filing regarding Document 145 (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Radian Guaranty, Inc.) |
10/22/2014 |
Order taking official notice and granting in part Respondents' objection to judicial notice (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
195 | 10/20/2014 |
Order regarding unsealing of documents (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
194 | 10/20/2014 |
Reply memorandum in support of objection, motion for reconsideration or, in the alternative, request for clarification of the orders taking judicial notice (Filed by Respondents) |
193 | 10/20/2014 |
Joint filing regarding unsealing documents (Filed by CFPB & Respondents) |
192 | 10/15/2014 |
Response in opposition to Respondents' objection, motion for reconsideration or, in the alternative, request for clarification of the orders taking judicial notice (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
191 | 09/29/2014 |
Memo in support of objection to notice orders (Filed by Respondents) |
190 | 09/29/2014 |
Objection, motion for reconsideration or, in the alternative, request for clarification of the orders taking judicial notice (Filed by Respondents) |
189 | 09/25/2014 |
Order taking official notice of third parties (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
188 | 09/23/2014 |
Order taking official notice of PHH (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
187 | 09/16/2014 |
Order regarding unsealing of documents (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
186 | 09/12/2014 |
Notice of filing of joint report (Filed by CFPB & Respondents) |
185 | 09/03/2014 |
Order requiring filing of joint report (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
184 | 09/02/2014 |
Post-hearing response brief (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Attachment A: Exhibit A (sealed) |
183 | 08/29/2014 |
Post hearing reply brief (redacted) (Filed by Respondents) |
182 | 08/21/2014 |
Order granting motion for fees of expert witness (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
181 | 08/18/2014 |
Order regarding exhibits (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
180 | 08/15/2014 |
Reply in support of motion for fees (Filed by Respondents) |
179 | 08/12/2014 |
Opposition to motion for Burke fees (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
178 | 08/08/2014 |
Post hearing brief (redacted) (Filed by Respondents) Attachment A: Addendum A (under seal) |
177 | 08/08/2014 |
Post hearing brief (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Attachment A: Exhibit A (under seal) |
176 | 08/01/2014 |
Order granting motion to amend protective order (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
175 | 07/29/2014 |
Motion for fees of expert witness Vincent Burke (Filed by Respondents) |
07/21/2014 |
Sur-surreply memorandum in support of motion to amend protective order (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
173 | 07/17/2014 |
Order permitting filing of sur-surreply (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
172 | 07/16/2014 |
Joint surreply brief in further opposition to Enforcement Counsel's motion to amend the protective order (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc., United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation, Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation,and Republic Mortgage Insurance Company) |
07/14/2014 |
Order closing hearing record (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
170 | 07/11/2014 |
Order removing motion from abeyance and permitting filing of surreply (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
169 | 07/07/2014 |
Corrected Appendix A to its reply memo in support of its motion to amend the protective order (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
168 | 07/07/2014 |
Order regarding closing of hearing record (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
167 | 07/02/2014 |
Order holding motion to amend protective order in abeyance (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
166 | 06/30/2014 |
Order regarding the filing of exhibits (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
165 | 06/27/2014 |
Reply memo in support of motion to amend protective order (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
164 | 06/23/2014 |
Joint opposition to Enforcement Counsel's motion to amend the protective order (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc., United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation, Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation,and Republic Mortgage Insurance Company) |
163 | 06/23/2014 |
Opposition to Enforcement Counsel's motion to amend the protective order and unseal "confidential" material (Filed by Respondents) |
06/20/2014 |
Joint exhibit list (Filed by CFPB & Respondents) |
161 | 06/06/2014 |
Motion to unseal and amend protective order (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
160 | 06/06/2014 |
Post hearing scheduling order (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
159 | 06/02/2014 |
Response and limited joinder (under seal) (Filed by Schnader Harrison Segal and Lewis) |
158 | 05/27/2014 |
Motion to quash (Filed by Respondents) |
157 | 05/27/2014 |
Motion to amend exhibit list (Filed by Respondents) |
05/27/2014 |
Request for subpoena to Daniel Walker (Filed by Respondents) |
05/23/2014 |
Order directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
153 | 05/23/2014 |
Order sealing, filing, and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
152 | 05/22/2014 |
Order on dispositive motions (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
151 | 05/22/2014 |
Response to the order re: sealing and directing public release dated May 13, 2014 (Filed by Respondents) |
150 | 05/21/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Nicole L. Buseman (Filed by United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company) |
149 | 05/21/2014 |
Order sealing filing and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
148 | 05/16/2014 |
Initial response to Enforcement Counsel's subpoena issued to respondents (Filed by Respondents) |
147 | 05/16/2014 |
Reply ISO motion to strike M. Crawshaw expert rebuttal report (Filed by Respondents) |
146 | 05/16/2014 |
Request for subpoena to the Bureau (Filed by Respondents) |
145 | 05/16/2014 |
Order on motion to disqualify (under seal) (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
144 | 05/16/2014 |
Order denying without prejudice for subpoena for deposition of V. Burke (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
143 | 05/15/2014 |
Order granting in part request for issuance of subpoena (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
05/15/2014 |
Response to objection to subpoena Burke deposition (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
141 | 05/14/2014 |
Order sealing filings and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
140 | 05/19/2014 |
Opposition to motion to strike Crawshaw rebuttal (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Attachment A: Exhibit A (under seal) |
05/14/2014 |
Response to Enforcement Counsel's response to Respondents' objection (Filed by Respondents) |
138 | 05/13/2014 |
Order sealing filings and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
137 | 05/13/2014 |
Order sealing filings and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
136 | 05/12/2014 |
Reply in support of its motion for summary disposition as to liability (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
135 | 05/21/2014 |
Reply memo in support of motion to dismiss (Filed by Respondents) |
134 | 05/12/2014 |
Response to objection to subpoena (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
05/12/2014 |
Proposed order (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
132 | 05/09/2014 |
Objections to Enforcement Counsel's request for issuance of a subpoena for the deposition of rebuttal expert VIncent Burke (Filed by Respondents) |
131 | 05/09/2014 |
Order sealing filing and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
130 | 05/09/2014 |
Motion for Leave to File Sur Reply (sealed) (Filed by SchnaderHarrison Segal) Attachment A: Exhibit A - Sur Reply (sealed) |
129 | 05/07/2014 |
Written request for subpoena re: Burke deposition (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
128 | 10/31/2014 |
Reply declaration of Donald R. Gordon (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
127 | 05/13/2014 |
Reply motion to disqualify Schnader (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
05/06/2014 |
Order following prehearing conference and setting date to reconvene hearing (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
125 | 05/06/2014 |
Motion objecting to Enforcement Counsel's request for issuance of subpoena on Respondents (Filed by Respondents) |
124 | 05/09/2014 |
Declaration of Donald R. Gordon (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
05/09/2014 |
Opposition to Respondents' renewed motion to dismiss (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
122 | 10/31/2014 |
Opposition to Enforcement Counsel's statement of undisputed facts (redacted) (Filed by Respondents) |
121 | 05/05/2014 |
Opposition to Enforcement Counsel's motion for summary disposition (Filed by Respondents) |
120 | 05/02/2014 |
Order scheduling prehearing conference (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
119 | 05/02/2014 |
Order denying motion requesting list of documents withheld by CFPB (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
118 | 05/02/2014 |
Notice re Munoz withdrawal of motion to compel (Filed by Respondents) |
05/01/2014 |
Order denying subpoena (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
116 | 05/01/2014 |
Written request for subpoenas (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
115 | 05/09/2014 |
Response to motion to disqualify Schnader Harrison Segal and Lewis (redacted) (Filed by Schnader Harrison Segal and Lewis) Attachment A: Declaration of David Smith (under seal) Attachment B: Declaration of Stephen A. Fogdall (under seal) |
114 | 04/30/2014 |
Opposition to the Enforcement Counsel's motion to disqualify Radian's Counsel (Filed by Respondents) |
113 | 04/29/2014 |
Motion to strike Mark Crawshaw's expert rebuttal (under seal) (Filed by Respondents) Attachment A: Memo ISO of respondents' motion to strike (under seal) |
112 | 04/28/2014 |
Notice regarding Munoz motion to compel (Filed by Respondents) |
04/25/2014 |
Request for issuance of subpoena duces tecum (Filed by Respondents) |
04/22/2014 |
Reply ISO motion requesting withheld documents list (Filed by Respondents) |
04/22/2014 |
Order sealing filings and directing public release (Filed by CameronElliott, Administrative Law Judge) |
108 | 10/31/2014 |
Rebuttal expert report of Mark Crawshaw Ph.D., FCAS, MAAA (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
107 | 04/22/2014 |
Rebuttal expert disclosure (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
106 | 10/31/2014 |
Expert report rebutting Dr. Crawshaw's expert report (redacted) (Filed by Respondents) |
10/31/2014 |
Rebuttal expert report by V. Burke (redacted) (Filed by Respondents) |
104 | 04/22/2014 |
Rebuttal expert witness disclosure pursuant to rule 1081.210 (Filed by Respondents) |
103 | 04/21/2014 |
Reply in support of motion for clarification (Filed by Respondents) |
102 | 10/31/2014 |
Motion for summary disposition as to liability (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
10/31/2014 |
Renewed motions to dismiss (redacted) (Filed by Respondents) |
04/18/2014 |
Response to motion for clarification as to location (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
099 | 04/18/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Leslie A. Sowers (Filed by Respondents) |
098 | 04/16/2014 |
Opposition to Respondents' motion requesting a list of documents withheld by Enforcement Counsel (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
097 | 04/16/2014 |
Motion for clarification as to the hearing location (Filed by Respondents) |
04/15/2014 |
Declaration of Donald R. Gordon (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
04/21/2014 |
Motion to disqualify Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
04/10/2014 |
Notice regarding request from Munoz plaintiffs (Filed by Respondents) |
04/03/2014 |
Memorandum in opposition to Enforcement Counsel's motion to strike expert witness (Filed by Respondents) |
04/03/2014 |
Certification pursuant to 12 CFR § 1081.109(b) (Filed by Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation) |
091 | 04/03/2014 |
Motion requesting list of withheld documents (Filed by Respondents) |
090 | 04/01/2014 |
Certification pursuant to 12 CFR § 1081.109(b) (Filed by United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company) |
089 | 03/31/2014 |
Order setting date to recommence hearing (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
088 | 03/28/2014 |
Certification pursuant to 12 CFR § 1081.109(b) (Filed by Republic Mortgage Insurance Company) |
087 | 03/28/2014 |
Certification pursuant to 12 CFR § 1081.109(b) (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc.) |
086 | 03/25/2014 |
Order sealing filings and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
085 | 03/24/2014 |
Omnibus motion in limine to exclude evidence pursuant to 12 CFR § 1081.303(b) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
03/21/2014 |
Order granting Enforcement Counsel's motion for leave to file a corrected and amended exhibit list, and notice of service of exhibits (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
083 | 03/21/2014 |
Order regarding motions in limine (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
082 | 03/21/2014 |
Memo in opposition to Enforcement Counsel's motion in limine to exclude testimony of persons not identified by name on Respondents' amend witness list (Filed by Respondents) |
081 | 03/21/2014 |
Unopposed motion for leave to file (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
080 | 03/21/2014 |
Motion to strike Respondents' purported motions in limine (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
079 | 03/19/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Michael S. Trabon (Filed by Respondents) |
078 | 03/19/2014 |
Respondents' Prehearing Brief (Filed by Respondents) |
03/19/2014 |
Motion in limine to strike the Bureau's claims for remedies other than injunctive relief for conduct prior to July 21, 2011 (Filed by Respondents) |
03/19/2014 |
Motion in limine to strike claims predicated on ceding payments allowed by the Bureau in April and May 2013 (Filed by Respondents) |
03/19/2014 |
Motion in limine to preclude the Bureau from using these proceedings to regulate the business of insurance or collaterally attack the action of state insurance regulators (Filed by Respondents) |
10/31/2014 |
Prehearing brief (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Attachment A: Exhibit A (under seal) |
073 | 03/19/2014 |
Motion in limine to dismiss Respondents Atrium Insurance Corporation and Atrium Reinsurance Corporation for lack of statutory authority (Filed by Respondents) |
03/19/2014 |
Motion to exclude witnesses (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
071 | 03/14/2014 |
First amended witness list (Filed by Respondents) |
03/14/2014 |
First amended exhibit list (Filed by Respondents) |
069 | 03/14/2014 |
Order sealing filings and directing public release (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
068 | 03/24/2014 |
Notice of clarification (Filed by Respondents) |
067 | 03/13/2014 |
Order denying Respondents' motion to dismiss or, in the alternative, for summary disposition (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
066 | 03/11/2014 |
Request for subpoenas (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
03/11/2014 |
Certificate of service (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
064 | 03/11/2014 |
Witness list (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
063 | 03/11/2014 |
Exhibit list (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
03/11/2014 |
Disclosure of witnesses (Filed by Respondents) |
061 | 03/11/2014 |
Disclosure of exhibits (Filed by Respondents) |
03/07/2014 |
Order denying Respondents' motion to compel (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
059 | 03/06/2014 |
Reply memorandum in support of Respondents' motion to compel the CFPB to comply with Rule 206 (Filed by Respondents) |
03/05/2014 |
General prehearing order (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Chief Administrative Law Judge) |
057 | 10/31/2014 |
Expert report of Michael J. Cascio (redacted) (Filed by Respondents) |
056 | 03/04/2014 |
Opposition to Respondents' motion to compel (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
055 | 10/31/2014 |
Expert report of Mark Crawshaw Ph.D., FCAS, MAAA (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
054 | 03/04/2014 |
Expert witness disclosure pursuant to rule 1081.210 (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
053 | 03/03/2014 |
Notice of filing a corrected exhibit (under seal) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Attachment A: Declaration (under seal) Attachment B: Exhibit (under seal) |
052 | 03/03/2014 |
Amended expert witness disclosure pursuant to rule 1081.210 (Filed by Respondents) |
051 | 03/03/2014 |
Expert witness disclosure pursuant to rule 1080.210 (Filed by Respondents) |
050 | 02/28/2014 |
Response to Enforcement Counsel's statement of disputed issue of material fact in opposition to Respondents' motion for summary disposition (Filed by Respondents) |
02/28/2014 |
Reply brief in support of their motion to dismiss the notice of charges or, in the alternative, for summary disposition (Filed by Respondents) |
02/28/2014 |
Protective order governing discovery material (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
047 | 02/28/2014 |
Joint stipulated motion for a protective order (Filed by CFPB & Respondents) |
02/27/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Jennifer M. Keas (Filed by Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation) |
045 | 02/24/2014 |
Consent to service by electronic transmission (Filed by Republic Mortgage Insurance Company) |
044 | 02/24/2014 |
Order sealing filings (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
043 | 03/04/2014 |
Declaration of Donald R. Gordon (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
042 | 03/11/2014 |
Statement of disputed facts in opposition to Respondents' motion for summary judgment (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
041 | 03/11/2014 |
Opposition to Respondents' motion to dismiss the notice of charges or, in the alternative, for summary disposition (redacted) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
040 | 02/20/2014 |
Order granting motion to intervene and denying without prejudice motions for protective order (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
039 | 02/19/2014 |
Consent to service by electronic transmission (Filed by United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company) |
038 | 02/19/2014 |
Joint stipulated motion for a protective order (Filed by Respondents) |
02/18/2014 |
Order following scheduling conference and setting oral argument on Respondents' pending motion (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
036 | 02/18/2014 |
Consent to service by electronic transmission (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc.) |
035 | 02/18/2014 |
Motion to compel the CFPB to comply with its disclosure obligations under Rule 206 (Filed by Respondents) |
02/18/2014 |
Notice of submission of proposed protective order (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc., Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation, Republic Mortgage Insurance Company, United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company and Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation) |
033 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for William Kirkman (Filed by Republic Mortgage Insurance Company) |
032 | 02/14/2014 |
Motion for a protective order (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc., United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company, Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation, Republic Mortgage Insurance Corporation, and Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation) |
02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Jay N. Varon (Filed by Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation) |
030 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Melanie McCammon (Filed by Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation) |
029 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Ben Delfin (Filed by Genworth Mortgage Insurance Company) |
028 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Reid L. Ashinoff (Filed by Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation) |
027 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Scott Lerner (Filed by United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company) |
026 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for William A. Burck (Filed by United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company) |
025 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Jane M. Byrne (Filed by United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company) |
024 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Stephen A. Fogdall (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc.) |
023 | 02/14/2014 |
Notice of appearance for David Smith (Filed by Radian Guaranty Inc.) |
022 | 02/14/2014 |
Certification pursuant to 12 CFR § 1081.109 (Filed by Respondents) |
021 | 02/10/2014 |
Order setting scheduling conference (Filed by Cameron Elliot, Administrative Law Judge) |
020 | 02/03/2014 |
Order assigning administrative law judge (Filed by Brenda P. Murray, Chief Administrative Law Judge) |
019 | 01/31/2014 |
Statement of undisputed facts in support of motion for summary disposition (Filed by Respondents) |
018 | 01/31/2014 |
Brief in support of motion to dismiss or, in the alternative, for summary disposition (Filed by Respondents) |
017 | 01/31/2014 |
Motion to dismiss the notice of charges or, in the alternative, for summary disposition (Filed by Respondents) |
016 | 01/31/2014 |
Answer and affirmative defenses to notice of charges seeking disgorgement, other equitable relief, and civil money penalty (Filed by Respondents) |
015 | 01/31/2014 |
Disclosure statement and notification of financial interest (Filed by Respondents) |
014 | 01/31/2014 |
Consent to service by electronic transmission (Filed by Respondents) |
013 | 01/31/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Rosanne L. Rust (Filed by Respondents) |
012 | 01/31/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Sandra B. Vipond (Filed by Respondents) |
011 | 01/31/2014 |
Notice of appearance for David M. Souders (Filed by Respondents) |
010 | 01/31/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Mitchell H. Kider (Filed by Respondents) |
009 | 01/30/2014 |
Certificate of service of notice of charges (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
008 | 01/29/2014 |
Consent to electronic service (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
007 | 01/29/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Navid Vazire (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
006 | 01/29/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Kim Ravener (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
005 | 01/29/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Thomas Kim (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
004 | 01/29/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Donald Gordon (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
003 | 01/29/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Sarah Auchterlonie (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
002 | 01/29/2014 |
Notice of appearance for Lucy Morris (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
001 | 01/29/2014 |
Notice of charges against PHH Corporation, PHH Mortgage Corporation, PHH Home Loans LLC, Atrium Insurance Corporation, and Atrium Reinsurance Corporation seeking disgorgement, other equitable relief, and civil money penalty (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |