Oasis Title Loans, LLC
Case docket
Document | Date filed | Short description |
018 | 11/01/2016 |
Stipulation and Consent to the Issuance of aConsent Order (Filed by Consumer FinancialProtection Bureau) |
017 | 11/01/2016 |
Consent Order (Filed by ConsumerFinancial Protection Bureau) |
016 | 10/20/2016 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance (Tucker Harris) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
015 | 10/20/2016 |
Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance (Kulbaski) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
014 | 10/20/2016 |
Order Granting Joint Motion to Extend Time toAnswer Notice of Charges and Hold Scheduling Conf. (Filed by Administrative Law Judge Christine L. Kirby) |
013 | 10/18/2016 |
Joint Motion to Extend Time to Answer Notice of Charges and Hold Scheduling Conf. (Filed by CFPB and Respondents) Attachment A: ProposedOrder |
012 | 10/06/2016 |
Scheduling Conference Order (Filed by Administrative Law Judge Christine L. Kirby) |
011 | 10/06/2016 |
Order Granting Respondents Motion to Extend Time to Answer Notice of Charges and Hold Scheduling Conf. (Filed by Administrative Law Judge Christine L. Kirby) |
010 | 10/05/2016 |
Consent to Electronic Service (Filed by Respondent) |
009 | 10/05/2016 |
Motion to Extend Time to Answer Notice of Charges and Hold Scheduling Conf. (Filed by Respondent) |
008 | 09/26/2016 |
Notice of Appearance (Krause) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
007 | 09/21/2016 |
Certificate of Service of Notice of Charges (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
006 | 09/20/2016 |
Notice of Appearance (Kulbaski) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
005 | 09/20/2016 |
Notice of Appearance (Rubenstein) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
004 | 09/20/2016 |
Notice of Appearance (Tucker Harris) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
003 | 09/20/2016 |
Notice of Appearance (Coleman) (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
002 | 09/20/2016 |
Consent to Electronic Service (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |
001 | 09/20/2016 |
Notice of Charges (Filed by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) |