We’re taking nominations for our Consumer Advisory Board
Today we begin seeking nominations for members of our new Consumer Advisory Board. We are looking to assemble a group of experts who can give us the outside guidance we’ll need as we move forward with our work.
Read below to learn more about the Consumer Advisory Board and how to submit nominations.
Everyone at the CFPB appreciates the need to gain critical insight from the people and communities we serve, as well as experts in industry and government. With this in mind our staff speaks with consumers, industry representatives, and others in the field every day, and we hear from consumers who file complaints using the Consumer Response Center or Tell Your Story feature on our website. We also meet regularly with government officials at the local, state, and federal levels to hear their concerns and those of their constituents.
One way that the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act makes sure that we hear from a variety of experts with a variety of viewpoints is by requiring us to set up the Consumer Advisory Board. Today, we begin the process of setting up the Board to advise us and consult with us on consumer financial issues. Board members will provide the Bureau with information about emerging trends and practices in the financial-services and financial-products industries.
We are looking for Board members with diverse perspectives and innovative ideas. These nominees may have a background in one or more of the following areas: consumer protection, financial services, fair lending, civil rights, consumer financial products and services, or community development. If you or someone you know can offer us expert advice in any of these fields, let us know by submitting a nomination letter and a complete resume/CV to CABnominations@cfpb.gov by March 30, 2012.
You may also submit nominations by mail to this address by March 30, 2012:
Mail – ATTN: Monica Jackson/CAB Nominations Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (Attn: 1801 L Street) Washington, DC 20220