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Our Board and Council meetings are changing

Since establishing our Consumer Advisory Board and Councils in 2012, these groups have provided us with information about emerging trends and practices, allowed us to hear directly from small financial institutions, and the Academic Research Council has provided technical and scientific advice to our Office of Research. From their establishment, we’ve been committed to providing transparency into these interactions by providing membership information, meeting summaries, and notices of meetings , among other things.

Some stakeholders have requested even more openness, however – and we’ve taken those requests to heart. To provide more transparency and to be responsive to the requests we’ve received, we’re changing the format of our Board and Council meetings and opening these full meetings to the public. Starting with our June 18th meeting, the public may attend (or watch online) the full Consumer Advisory Board and Council meetings, the same way most other agencies allow under the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

A schedule of upcoming meetings and information about the Boards and Councils is also available.

The next opportunity to attend or view a Consumer Advisory Board meeting will be on June 18 in Reno, Nevada.