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Live from Durham, NC!

We’re in Durham, NC, today to hold a field hearing on general purpose reloadable prepaid cards, commonly known as prepaid cards. If you’re looking for our livestream, you’ve come to the right place.

Today’s live events have now ended. You can watch the recording below, or read CFPB Director Richard Cordray’s remarks.

If you missed the event, CFPB Director Richard Cordray announced that the Bureau is asking for comments about general purpose reloadable prepaid cards, referred to here simply as “prepaid cards”, through an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR). Before we act, we want your input. Here are some of the things we’re considering:

What steps could the Bureau take to most effectively regulate these products to provide the consumer with transparent, useful, and timely fee disclosures? Should market participants be required to provide disclosure pre-sale, post-sale, or both?

The Bureau intends to extend federal consumer protections to prepaid cards. Should proposed consumer protections be the same as for checking account debit cards? Should there be any modifications to protections as they are extended to prepaid cards?

Currently, most prepaid cards do not offer a savings account associated with the card. The Bureau seeks public input on the costs, and benefits, and consumer protection issues related to savings features offered with prepaid cards.

Additional questions are in the ANPR. Do you have questions or comments of your own to share? We’d love to hear them.

Sign up for our email list and we’ll notify you when the comment period opens.

Here’s the recording of today’s panel and field hearing.