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Don’t miss the chance to make a nomination

Last month, Director Richard Cordray announced that the Bureau is taking nominations for our Consumer Advisory Board (CAB). In the weeks since the announcement, we’ve received calls and emails from all over the country. People want to know more about the board and how they can get involved, and we’re thrilled with this response. You can help us make the CAB a great resource for the Bureau and for consumers by making a nomination.

To submit a nomination If you are interested in being considered for the Consumer Advisory Board, please submit a nomination letter and a complete resume/CV to or to the address below by March 30, 2012.

We want the CAB to be comprised of approximately 20 individuals with varied backgrounds and innovative ideas about how to help protect consumers. Members will meet in Washington, D.C., at least twice a year to discuss, advise, and consult with the Bureau on emerging consumer financial issues. We are looking for nominees with a background in one or more of the following areas: consumer protection, financial services, fair lending, civil rights, consumer financial products and services, or community development. It is our hope to find individuals who can represent the opinions of consumers, advocacy groups, and financial services companies.

With less than two weeks to go before the nomination period closes, we want to make sure that everyone gets the opportunity to nominate someone who will be a dedicated and valuable Board member. We want to get as many nominees as possible in the coming days, and we need your help to make it happen. If you know of dynamic individuals that would be great members of the Consumer Advisory Board, please nominate them today. Don’t miss your chance to make a nomination and be part of something that will help American consumers.

You may also submit nominations by mail to this address by March 30, 2012:

Mail – ATTN: Monica Jackson/CAB Nominations Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (Attn: 1801 L Street) Washington, DC 20220

If you have additional questions, please give us a call at (202) 435-7451.