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Accepting applications for our Advisory Board and Councils

To be sure that we hear from a variety of experts with diverse viewpoints, we set up the Consumer Advisory Board and two other advisory groups – the Community Bank Advisory Council and Credit Union Advisory Council. These groups allow us to hear directly from small financial institutions. They also provide us with information about emerging trends and practices in the consumer financial products and services industries.

Today, we’re accepting applications for membership on all of our advisory groups. We’re inviting applications from individuals who can provide us with guidance as we carry out our work.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

Experts in consumer protection, community development, consumer finance, fair lending, and civil rights Experts in consumer financial products or services Representatives of banks that primarily serve underserved communities Representatives of communities that have been significantly impacted by higher priced mortgage loans Current employees of credit unions and community banks Academics (Experts in research methodologies, framing research questions, data collection, and analytic strategies.)

How to apply

For more information on how to apply to serve on the Consumer Advisory Board or one of these Advisory Councils you can:

Review instructions on how to submit an application for membership Download an application Learn more about our Advisory Groups Review frequently asked questions

How many seats are available?

The following will becoming vacant in the fall of 2014:

7 seats on the Consumer Advisory Board 8 seats on the Community Bank Advisory Council 8 seats on the Credit Union Advisory Council