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A video message from Rich Cordray

Rich Cordray, the new Director of the CFPB, has recorded a message about the extraordinary privilege he sees in working on behalf of American consumers.

The stakes are high. Consumers need to be able to fully understand the costs and risks of borrowing and they need to be able to comparison shop for the best deal. Consumers deserve to have someone who will stand on their side, who will protect them against fraud, and who will ensure they are treated fairly. The new Consumer Bureau was created to make sure that these things are achieved for all Americans. The good news is that we have already gotten started. Over time, we’ll judge the success of our efforts by whether consumers are being treated more fairly and with more clarity and candor in the financial marketplace.

Every week, we hear stories from hundreds of American consumers that illustrate the kinds of issues people are dealing with around the country. Tell us your story today.