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Honoring veterans

November 11th is Veterans Day. This week the CFPB took a moment to recognize and honor the veterans in our ranks: 87 of them! We showed photos of them while they were in the service (some rather surprising), and we also asked them to sum up in three words the meaning of Veterans Day. The answers were beautiful and meaningful. Here are a few.

Snapshots from CFPB’s event in honor of our colleagues who are veterans.November 9, 2011

Honor, Brothers, Sisters Duty, Sacrifice, Remember Valor, Honor, Fidelity Remember the Fallen Defending America’s Freedom Service Above Self Honoring Our Heroes

From the Office of Servicemember Affairs and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, our gratitude to all those who have worn the uniform of our country. You stepped forward to protect our freedoms regardless of the personal sacrifice and we honor you for answering the call to duty. Thank you!