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Honoring service with service

Each May as we celebrate Memorial Day, our nation takes a moment to remember all of the brave men and women who died in service to our country. Memorial Day was first initiated as a day of remembrance for fallen soldiers during the Civil War but today it serves as a day to honor all servicemembers who lost their lives while serving in America’s conflicts.

While for some it’s just a day to barbeque or enjoy time off from work, for many of us Memorial Day is much more. Many people observe the day by visiting Arlington National Cemetery , going to museums, or participating in hometown parades. Some of us also use this day as an opportunity to connect Americans to our military community.

There are so many ways to get involved and make this day special. Checking in with someone who has a personal connection to a soldier involved in ongoing conflict makes a positive difference in that person’s day. Volunteering for the National Memorial Day Parade helps to build community and bring people from all walks of life together. And saying “thank you” to the men or women you see in uniform lets them know their sacrifice is appreciated.

The United States has been involved in significant conflict for over the last ten years, with two million American’s having served our country both stateside and overseas. Before coming to the Bureau, I had the great honor of serving my country in Iraq. As a former Soldier, I always appreciated (and counted) on the kindness and patriotism of my relatives, friends, and neighbors to care for my family while I was away.

I am proud to have served in the U.S. Armed Forces and I am proud to continue serving this country at the CFPB. It is our goal to connect with consumers while living our core values to Serve, Lead and Innovate. Our Office of Servicemember Affairs seeks to educate and engage with the public about consumer finance as it impacts Servicemembers and their families. At servicemembers and their families can find information on a host of initiatives including ways in which we seek to combat financial scams targeted at military consumers. You can also find innovative tools, including our Financial Aid Comparison Shopper, complete with military benefits calculator, and student loan complaint system equipped to field concerns from servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

We thank the men and women serving our country, and on this special day we remember those who, in Abraham Lincoln’s words, gave “the last full measure of devotion.” We will always be mindful of their great sacrifice as we continue to serve the American consumer and those who wear, or have worn, the uniform for our country.