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At the Podium with America’s Credit Unions

Last Tuesday morning, Professor Warren spoke to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) at its Annual Governmental Affairs Conference. CUNA is a trade association representing 90 percent of America’s credit unions.

Professor Warren spoke to them about the CFPB’s emphasis on clarity. She suggested that in a market in which prices and risks are clear up front, the investments made by credit unions in “creating a valued partnership with your members can be a real competitive advantage.” Take a look:

Read the full text of her prepared remarks.

Also last week, thirty-five members of the Delaware Bankers Association visited Washington to meet with several federal agencies and Congressional staffers. On Friday, Professor Warren sat down with the group to share ideas. Three quarters of the attendees were presidents or CEOs of smaller banks with assets of less than $10 billion.

Professor Warren reviewed three of our top priorities, all of which should help community banks and other providers who want to offer beneficial products to their customers in a transparent manner: consolidated and streamlined mortgage shopping disclosures, simplified credit card agreements, and supervision of non-bank entities that have not previously been subject to Federal oversight. We strongly encouraged their use of our website to share their expertise and input as we stand up this consumer bureau.

Elizabeth Vale is the Assistant Director of External Affairs for Small Business and Community Banks.