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CFO update for the third quarter of fiscal year 2012

APR. 1 – JUN. 30, 2012

Issued: July 27, 2012

As of June 30, the end of the third quarter of fiscal year 2012, the CFPB spent $247 million including commitments, obligations, and outlays. (1,2) Approximately $101 million was spent on employee compensation and benefits for the 889 CFPB employees currently on board.

Some obligations made in the third quarter captured the estimated full-year costs of certain items and activities, such as $2.8 million for a one-year building occupancy agreement with the Federal Housing Finance Agency; $1.2 million for administration and servicing of CFPB retirement plans; and $1.1 million to the Government Accounting Office for required audit services.

Large obligations over $1 million made to non-governmental vendors during the third quarter included:

  • $4.6 million for the development of a supervision compliance system.
  • $1.7 million for facilities maintenance and services.
  • $1.4 million for management consulting services in support of the investigations and intake sections of the Consumer Response program.
  • $1.3 million for agency-wide program management support services.
  • $1.0 million for consumer contact center support services.
  • $1.0 million for human capital support services.
  • $1.0 million for professional support to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.

The sections below include additional information on year-to-date spending by expense category and program office.

FY2012 spending to date by expense category

Personnel compensation: $71,241,000

Benefit compensation: $29,903,000

Travel: $6,814,000

Transportation of things: $125,000

Rents, communications, utilities and misc.: $1,126,000

Printing and reproduction: $1,639,000

Other contractual services: $125,425,000

Supplies and materials: $1,744,000

Equipment: $9,014,000

Interest and dividends: $180

Total (as of 6/30/12): $247,031,000

FY2012 spending to date by division/program area

Office of the Director: $2,237,000

Chief Operating Officer: $54,537,000

Consumer Education & Engagement: $12,365,000

Research, Markets & Regulations: $21,547,000

Supervision, Enforcement, Fair Lending: $62,839,000

General Counsel: $5,606,000

External Affairs: $2,454,000

Centralized Services (3): $85,445,000

Total (as of 6/30/12): $247,031,000

Funds transfers received from the Federal Reserve (in millions)

As of June 30, the CFPB received nine transfers of funds from the Federal Reserve. The amounts and dates the transfers are shown below.

Fiscal Year 2010

December 21, 2010: $18.4

Fiscal Year 2011

December 21, 2010: $14.4

March 10, 2011: $27.9

June 7, 2011: $74.5

July 21, 2011: $14.4

September 28, 2011: $30.6

Fiscal Year Total: $161.8

Fiscal Year 2012

October 10, 2011: $94.3

January 6, 2012: $63.9

April 4, 2012: $99.5


  1. Definitions. For the purposes of this update, outlays are payments that result any time the CFPB issues checks, disburses cash, or makes electronic transfers of funds to pay off an obligation. A commitment is a reservation of funds in anticipation of a future obligation. An obligation is a transaction or agreement that creates a legal liability and obligates the government to pay for goods and services ordered or received. The difference between outlays and commitments or obligations is that outlays reflect funds that have already been paid out while commitments and obligations represent future expenditures.
  2. The amounts in this report are based on unaudited financial statements.
  3. Centralized services include the cost of certain administrative and operational services provided centrally to other Divisions (e.g., building space, utilities, and IT-related equipment and services).