The CFPB finalized a rule to give consumers greater rights, privacy, and security over their personal financial data by requiring providers to unlock personal financial data for free.
The CFPB and the FRB are announcing the dollar thresholds used to determine whether certain consumer credit and lease transactions in 2025 are subject to certain protections under Regulation Z (Truth in Lending) and Regulation M (Consumer Leasing).
The CFPB, the FRB, and the OCC are announcing that the 2025 threshold for higher-priced mortgage loans that are subject to special appraisal requirements will increase from $32,400 to $33,500.
The CFPB and other federal financial regulatory agencies announced a joint proposed rule to establish data standards for certain information collections submitted to financial regulatory agencies.
Six federal regulatory agencies today issued a final rule, pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, designed to help ensure the credibility and integrity of models used in valuations for certain mortgages secured by a consumer’s principal dwelling.
Since the creation of the CFPB, the agency has returned $20.7 billion to consumers through law enforcement activity and created unquantifiable returns for the over 205 million Americans harmed by the illegal practices that we have stopped.
Since the creation of the CFPB, the agency has returned $20.7 billion to consumers through law enforcement activity and created unquantifiable returns for the over 205 million Americans harmed by the illegal practices that we have stopped.
CFPB finaliza normativa delineando las calificaciones para el establecimiento de las organizaciones que desarrollarán los estándares de la banca abierta.
Today, the CFPB finalized a rule outlining the qualifications to become a recognized industry standard setting body, which can issue standards that companies can use to help them comply with the CFPB’s upcoming Personal Financial Data Rights Rule.
La CFPB finaliza una normativa para establecer un registro para detectar y detener a infractores corporativos que ya hayan violado leyes de protección financiera del consumidor.
The Federal Reserve Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announce inflation-adjusted dollar thresholds for Regulation CC funds availability
La CFPB finalizó hoy una normativa que corta el cobro de excesivas penalidades por atraso en tarjetas de crédito al cerrar un vacío legal, explotado por los grandes emisores de las mismas.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ) finalized a rule today to cut excessive credit card late fees by closing a loophole exploited by large card issuers.